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Hi-Tone Cafe November 1, 2002

My best friend, my dearly beloved and I drove the two hours
to Memphis, TN, to the Hi-Tone Cafe on Friday to catch Over
The Rhine on this short remarkable tour of just Karin and
Linford. Karin did most of the talking between songs as
Linford allegedly short-circuited his brain on a venti
starbucks vanilla cream double espresso. The room was warm
and friendly. The audience was enraptured and receptive,
except for two girls in the back who kept talking VERY
loudly to each other the whole time. And when audience
members shushed at them, they said with great and sincere
incredulity, "I just got shushed! I paid ten dollars to get
in here and I got shushed!" Never mind the hundred other
people who also paid ten dollars to get in to listen to the
band. The setlist was as follows:

Cast Me Away
Anything At All
The Seahorse
Etcetera Whatever
My Love Is A Fever
a new song about abuse
The World Can Wait
Orphan Girl
Latter Days

Fortunately, the Loud Girls didn't show up on the recording
I made off the board to DAT, in glorious, rich,
life-affirming mono. So, I'm enjoying the show even more in retrospect.

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur."
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)

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