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Re: happy day after sigur ros tuesday

I, too, took an extended lunch break yesterday to go cd shopping. I nabbed copies for myself of *Nirvana* by Nirvana, *Divine Discontent* by 6PNTR, and *( )* by Sigur Ros. I have to thank this list, first of all, for alerting me to the magic that is Sigur Ros. And for those of you who did not get their new cd yesterday, go out and get it today. It is simply stunning, both simpler and more complex than Agaetis Byrjun. though so much of the album seems to sweep by without calling attention to itself, on repeated and careful listenings, the audience is drawn in to the wide-open spaces and subtle complexities of the arrangements, nuanced with lyrics that contain no specific, but a totally universal meaning.

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur."
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)

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