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The Cutting Room Floor CD

Although I already had some of these songs from mp3 rarities, I
was overly excited about getting it.  Excitement justified.
Not too mention getting a new, bigger&baggier, OtR tshirt 'n
stuff.  So anyway, some of these songs...

Spinning:  dude.  this is totally tripadelic.  me = diggin' on
it bigtime.  i love the "aaaahhh - aaahhh - ahhhh" stuff at the
end and the harmonica.

Green-Clouded Swallowtail (version 1.0): i had seen this song
mentioned several times in the archives from several years ago
to last year and i'd always wanted to hear it.  when i got my
copy of The Ark show, i freaked cause it was instant love.  then
i saw them do it twice in California, more swooning.  i just
really love this song.  and now - this version.  its got this
honkytonk-ish thing kinda.  i don't know whether i'm in Clint
Eastwood's; Every Which Way But Loose or John Travolta's Urban
Cowboy, but i shore do like it ya'll.  

I Let It Go:  this is the standout track on this CD for me.
just, wow.  Karin's voice is its own instrument, complimenting
every song, but here even more so (to me at least).  "i tangle
with you and we hang by a thread", man.  absolutely beautiful
song.  more eye-closing and *feel* it music from the band that
does it best.  

i also really got into the original I Radio Heaven demo.  

and yes, Happy and Free is lovely.  that'd be pretty cool if
Karin did her own solo piano album. *cough*hint*cough*  i'd love
to be able to put their separate solo cd's in the carosel and
hit random. *cough*morehints*cough*  :)

and i love the paper they used for their cd art.  its like satin
finish paint - you kinda see a glossy thing going on - yet its
not shiny glossy.  and have you noticed it picks up your
fingerprints with even the barest touch?  cool stuff. 

thank you karin and linford.  you guys keep your thoughts on us
in such a way that we never feel distant.  you are your music. 
thank you for that.


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