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steve says:

> Fun??  Hmmm...  I'm not a poet.  Can't say I even
> have any substantial 
> appreciation for poetry, though that's
> unquestionably to my own detriment.  
> Poetry used to have a more prominent role on this
> list - in the olden days, 
> if you will, but it's just not my thing.  Not much I
> can do about that, I 
> suppose.

a competent poet who can find.  i respect a man's
decision not to partake in word play.  
> Maybe I should just talk about baseball.  I can do
> that halfway competently 
> sometimes.  How 'bout them Angels, eh???

i'm enjoying learning about the minor leagues as of
late.  just finished 'slouching toward fargo' a sort
of running commentary of the st paul saints.  

> At least I'm not talking about how cool Karin's hair
> is - I'm not worshipful 
> enough for that...

is that what it is?  worship?  maybe it is.  maybe
it's preoccupation or envy.  with the voice comes the
face and with the face comes all sorts of troubles. 
here's to the liberation of karin from her face!  


even solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one
of these - jesus

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