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3 Chords & September, Baby!

Greetings!  I hope you are making the most of these final days of summer. 
Its getting to be the season where we trade in the lawnmower for the leaf 
blower- here in the northeast, anyway. On the other hand, I live in an 
apartment and don't have to deal with any of that. But this isn't what we're 
here to talk about, is it?

Things are going great here in web radio land. I apologize for the fact that 
major updates haven't bee nmade to the show for a few weeks. I've been 
sneaking in new songs occasionally, though. The latest is by Ryan Adams. Its 
a fantastic live bootleg courtesy of my secret supplier. Its also a cover... 
let me know what your guesses are!

Despite the lack of playlist updates, the show has truly gone international 
in the past weeks. I realize that, by definition, this is just the way it is 
on the World Wide Web, but some kind souls in lands afar (from me) have been 
checking in. Specifically, people in the UK, Austria, Germany, Belgium, 
Japan, India, Finland, Bahrain, Canada, and Mexico have been listening 
lately. And I thank all of you.

Big things are coming! The live show I mentioned last time is still coming- 
I'll let you know as soon as I can set the date. More playlist updates, more 
movie clips, more fun! Thanks for listening!


3 Chords & the Truth, Baby!
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