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politics and grief

I know politics and this list don't mix very well, so let me just point out to
Peter that no one has been able to link Iraq with any Al Queda operations (the
fact that Al Queda members were arrested/expelled before the gulf war, and bin
Laden offered Saudi Arabia fighters to get Iraq out of Kuwait before westerners
were brought in shows that there's no love lost between Hussein and bin Laden),
so the 'wait until they come here and kill more innocent people' comment isn't
really applicable in this situation.  

I would also point out that Scott Ritter, former US Marine and republican (so
he doesn't have a lefty agenda, like me ;-)), who led inspection teams in Iraq,
pointed out that the reason Iraq kicked out the UN inspection teams was because
the CIA started using them for spying on Hussein's personal security
arrangements (which would be a set up for assassination), and sometimes sites
were bombed just after the inspectors left.  Obviously, Hussein is a vicious
and callous dictator (something that didn't seem to bother the US when we
*supported* his efforts to make weapons of mass destruction), but you gotta
empathize with his not wanting the UN inspections to be used as a cover for US
espionage!  So it's not really fair for the US to get all huffy about Hussein
not letting in inspectors when it's our fault the inspectors got kicked out in
the first place.  I wonder when we'll let UN inspectors see *our* weapons of
mass desctruction development programs?

I'd also encourage people who aren't sure about the need for war to take a look at 
http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=13898  for some interesting arguments.

'nuff said.

I want people to party hard at my funeral.  If I did anything in my life worth
celebrating, I want it to be *celebrated*, dang it!  :-)
Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                                 http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

"I never explain anything."			   - Mary Poppins

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