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Re: Re evolution stuff

In a message dated 7/29/02 7:32:34 PM Central Daylight Time, 
randomricky at hotmail_com writes:

<<  With that in mind, has anyone ever heard of 
 the "gap" theory- that is, the theory that the account in Genesis 1:1 was 
 the original creation by whatever means God chose while Genesis 1:2 is 
 actually the beginning of the account of God's re-creaction of earth after 
 it been laid waste for some unrevealed reason. >>

I didn't sit in on the discussion before because I didn't feel I had a lot to 
offer as better minds than mine were talking but I'll field a short reply 

 I've heard it mentioned a few times.  The first time I ran across it was in 
Donald Barnhouse's book The Invisible War.  IIRC, he speculated that possibly 
the 1st creation was wiped out by demons who had been cast down to earth.  
Satan was here first. (amusing side - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in the first 
story arc, posits somewhat this very thing!  LOL.)               
   Interesting, but I don't buy it.  Personally I feel the argument was 
promoted as ammunition for an old earth.  Not that I don't think a gap is a 
possibility but it seems to be reading way too much into the text.  Eisegesis 
gone amuck. 
   If one wants to use the bible to find old earth arguments there's much 
more solid ground to be found.  Simple point out that the sun wasn't created 
until the 4th day so morning and evening must be either metaphorical or some 
other kind of morning and evening than what we know. 

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