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Re: Cornerstone otr listie meeting

While we're on this subject...I have a cell phone that people can contact 
me with...but you'll have to get the number from me off-list.  I really 
don't want my number being archived on the web forever, so I'm sure you can 
see why I don't want to use the list.

In addition, I have an FRS radio.  They proved invaluable at C2K, but now 
it's two years later and in that time the cost of the radios has really 
gone down.  As a result, I'm betting the FRS-wielding population at the 
'fest will be much larger than previous years, and so the radios will be 
less useful.  Still, I'll take mine with on the off chance that radio 
traffic is sparse enough for effective communication.

-Smitty the Wireless

P.S.:  I'm replying to myself.  Simply shameless.  Also, my writing has 
been atrocious.  Heck, it still is.  My apologies for any brain cells 
damaged by reading this material.

At 08:51 PM 6/26/2002, Chris Lindemer wrote:
>In other words:  I have a Taurus.  It seats three besides the driver 
>comfortably, or five besides the driver less-comfortably.  I would be 
>willing to bring people to Galesburg and back monday night.  Since the 
>concert is from 5-midnight, I suppose the best time to embark would be 
>about 4, but we should meet at 3:45 just to be safe.
>Anyone who wants to get a ride, or follow someone who knows the way, meet 
>me at the board at the aforementioned time.
>Oh, please send me a message if you plan on taking me up on this offer.  I 
>would hate to be there waiting on no-one's appearance.

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