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RE: Is Soccer a Sport?!?!?!?

>>which part is that? where they stand around whack balls with a stick? (;

lol...yes they have to take a round ball and a round bat and hit the ball
"squarely".  There is a guy on the Boston Red Sox who if you look at his bat
you can see how he hits the ball in the exact same spot every time, about
the size of a quarter. His name is Nomar and he is dating Mia Hamm.  I don't
know what this has to do with anything.  Oh yeah, back to linking this with
soccer.  This is the FIFA listserve right?

>>0) Climber: needs, endurance like none other. not only to hike up to the
face, which often invovles a gain of 700-900 ft in 1/4 miles.
then there is the climb. need: strength of mind, and calmness. othat when
you look down more than 1000 ft, you don't flip out.  lexibility for those
cracks, strength inthe fingers and toes and all muscles in order to use 2
toes to stand on a tiny nudge of rock. then there's the fact that (see
gear: shoes. harness, ropes. brains.helmet.
yea, those climber folks - they work hard.

Rhys, absolutely, no doubt, and I am not one to argue that things such as
climbing is not sport.  Just looking at those pictures gives me vertigo.  I
often wonder how Barry Bonds would do, say climbing a mountain, or vice
versa how the best mountain climber would do facing a Randy Johnson
fastball.  Anyway, this is what happens when you have too much time on your

Does anyone remember the show where they would bring all the different
athletes together and have them compete on obstacle courses and rowing and
such.  It was fun to see that not everyone has the same strengths.  

Or have any of y'all seen those "Strongest Man" contests on ESPN.  Those
guys are crazy, carrying 375+lbs piece of steel for 60 yards, or hoisting a
Volkswagen and carrying it on their backs.  

out here using up his allotted words for the day,

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