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Re: i am back (or will be after thursday)

peter chattaway, in responding to my e-mail written last tuesday from rome 
>  I've only been to Rome once, in the summer of 1990.  Loved it.

oh, i loved it too!  definitely my favorite big city that we 
visited...although it *is* incredibly dirty.  i'm still coughing lots with 
"rome gunk" in my throat.  made for an interesting last two concerts...

>  > my time spent in europe has been incredible, and i do not know if i will
>  > ever be able to express truly how much it has changed me as a person.
>  Oh, try.  :)

i think, for starter's, that i am much more subdued, and a lot less 
frightened of being by myself.  not that i would be introverted by any 
stretch of the imagination!  just not nearly as boisterous as i have been in 
the past.  and those of you who have met me are probably staring at the 
screen in disbelief...

>  What did you make of the Italian toilets?  I think I developed an almost
>  unnatural, psychosomatic (or whatever) ability to avoid certain kinds of
>  bathroom functions while I was staying with my sister's friends in
>  Cosenza, just because the facilities there scared me so.

lol  i was so glad to come home to america with the simple flusher handle.  
the bathroom in the santa maria della scala, a church in rome, was definitely 
interesting...i think it took me five minutes to figure out how to flush the 
toilet!  i also was overjoyed to come home to showers with curtains/sliding 
glass doors.  i don't know how many bathrooms i flooded while trying to take 
a shower...

>  I got to spend a day or two in Venice, too.  Lots of birds.  Loved it.

didja feed the pidgeons?  i was *so* excited to do that!  then, one of the 
other girls "sacrificed" herself...she laid on the ground and we dumped a bag 
of bird seed on top of her...we have great pictures from that one!

>  Sounds interesting.  I assume your choir represented Christianity?  Then
>  the fifth religion would be ... Jewish, I guess?

this is the rundown of the groups attending the sacra musica festival...

a hindu group from bali, a group of buddhist monks from japan, two ismalic 
groups, one from turkey and one from morocco, a jewish cantor from france, 
and the rest christian...two german groups, a group from argentina, a russian 
sextet, a group from the czech republic, and then us.  we were labeled as 
"sacred spirit of america," and i think we did quite well.  it was 
heartwarming at the final concert to look around and see the other groups 
applauding for us, and the huge party that last night was great fun!  we 
learned how to play the instruments from other groups, and we did a lot of 
african dancing.  my legs hurt for days afterwards.

somehow, though, it's nice to be back to the grind.  i missed the kids at the 
day care tremendously...

happy monday, everyone!

*hugz and kisses*
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