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Re: Radio whom?? (stuff about prayer)

>From: Gilhamilton at aol_com

>I think what he meant (could be, maybe...) too put it in a more familiar
>perspective, was something more along the lines of saying that a person who
>has never been totally in love to the degree that they would sacrifice
>anything, do anything for the other would never be able to fully understand
>what that type of love is.

He shoots...he scores!

>How true on a number of *Christian* thoughts.  But, correct me if I'm 
>the only thing posited was that Christians (of all shapes and striped) have
>the understanding that there is a freedom found in Christ deeper and larger
>than any sort of freedom the world can give.  I don't think you'd find many
>Christians who'd disagree on that point.

You, sir, are not wrong!

>kevin (of course the preceding was just my opinion,  I could be wrong ;-)

Not in my limited experience...Kevin, you rank very high on my top ten list 
of people I don't actually know but wish I did.

Anita, you and I don't see eye to eye on a great many things, but I 
appreciate your honesty and politeness in all my dealings with you both on 
and off the list.  If more people could disagree with such tact, the world 
would be a better place.

Anyway, I just think that Rush song embodies everything that the world 
foolishly projects onto faith, ANY faith, as faith is something that can't 
be understood completely even by those who have it, let alone the skeptics 
and cynics.  The latter may understand the concepts, but faith is just 
something that you must possess in order to attain (limited) understanding.  
Not just understanding, but knowing and feeling.  Its hard to expain...

And everybody has to believe in SOMETHING...  Even Rush: "if you choose not 
to decide, you still have made a choice" can be countered with "if you 
believe its best to not believe, you still hold a belief".

Besides, I really just wanted to attack Clear Channel, not incite a 
theological debate.  I'd love to partipicate, but school is my top priority 
now, as evidenced by the fact that Kevin had to explain my position for me.  
(Have I properly thanked you, Kev?)

Thanks again,


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