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Re: Radio whom?? (stuff about prayer)

 soberman_69 at hotmail_com writes:

> I guesss my point is that the world doesn't grasp what I've 
>  written above, yet all of it is so elementary to a believer, you guys 
>  probably knew what I was going to say before I'd even finished.

Erm. Isn't it also possible that "the world" DOES grasp it, conceptually, and 
may even have been able to predict your dogma, but isn't buying?  

Besides, not even all Christians believe the same thing... which is why there 
are as many denominations as exist.  Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran... not 
all agree on the points you're suggesting, and I have to disagree that any of 
what you had to say is 'elementary.'  I think it's more a subject of debate 
*within* the Christian community than between Christians and "the world."

It *is* possible to be a Christian and yet have differing views from yours on 
prayer or fasting or smoking or sheep-ness (sheepity? sheephood?)

Not a flame, just another view... and yes, this is not about music, and 
should probably be taken off-list soon...    :)
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