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Re: a few things

i completely agree.  i was discussing this issue w/ a friend/co-worker of
mine...and he brought up a good point.  ...we can blame it on
television...before the glowing box was in nearly every home ...few knew
from what face and body that voice poured....and one could fall in love
with the voice...perhaps picturing the face....but enjoying the talent for
the talent...for the gift...for the way that voice transported you...


*******from zayne...... IT'S ALL ABOUT MARKETING...

*....where fleshly beauty is hailed
*over artistry, people like Aretha Franklin and Ella
*Fitzgerald would not be known to the general public
*because they do not have the assets to be the pin-up
*girls of the week. I shudder to think what musical
*history would be like without the talent and influence
*of these two women.



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