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Dan didn't take to my humor and wrote:
>that's not the point.  the point is to be cordial and
>courteous to others on the list.  it's a lot nicer to
>be careful when replying than just rpelying and having
>a bunch of irrelevant text.
>Ysobelle wasn't trying to be the master of the list.
>that's Drew Vogel's role already.

I know what the point was, I just felt like getting another point across 
that there is *also* no need for snotty-ness. I understand why she wrote it. 
So...no need to reprimand anyone...it was just a little jokey joke. Lil 

I guess I got a little mixed up on who the master was. Sorry Drew. My 
apologies, Ysoie.

in the corner,
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