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Re: Essential Indie Artists - Sharing Tree Possibility

I love, LOVE, Dan's idea.

I'm already picking out artists for a cd, if other people
are interested in participating, either by burning multiple
copies of a cd and mailing it to people who send you copies
of their compilation, or by making one and sending it to the
next person in the circle, and sending off the one you
received from the person preceding you after a week, etc.,

I'd be interested in what we qualify as "indie". Sigur Ros?
Dashboard Confessional? Vigilantes of Love? Rufus
Wainwright? I like a lot of bands that have received a fair
amount of exposure, but remain outside the pop culture
mainstream, or should we stick to artists who have not yet
received a wide amount of national attention?

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


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