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Re: Guitar Playin Fool...

If anyone's tired of the guitar thread, just say the
word and this can go off-list  :)

I really could've stood to have that pawn shop
situation pan out a little better.  I'm not so mad
now, and I really did like the guitar,--it was older
and had the old plain style Yamaha logo written
horizontally across the headstock.  It came with a
hard case too that was black velvet inside. Now I just
have a bad feeling about it the more I turn it over
and over in my mind.   

I was telling my story at work and someone there said
that her husband's parents own another pawnshop
somewhere in the outskirts of town and they may have
something.  I'm really getting tired of pawn shops--is
there an honest one out there?  This is the same girl
who has a 4 carat diamond solitare.  I asked her about
it one day and she told me this story of how this
"little old lady" came into the pawn shop needing
$100.  Anyway, the long story short turns out they
stole the thing from her (and I'm not throwing the
term around lightly) for that exact amount, had is set
in platinum, and now it appraises for $14,000.  The
most appaling part was her justification of the whole
thing? She said it was better for her to have it, than
have the original owner lose it or sell it to some
other shop.  She said the lady's children would have
just ended up fighting over it anyway and now that
won't happen!  Throw a little sickening perky toss of
the head in there and you can get some sort of idea
what my POV was that day (and today).

Anyway, I've seen some really good deals online, but
I'm holding out in that area because shipping a guitar
like that scares me.  Aren't they sensitive to
temperature and humidity?  I can just see mine getting
here crunched or detrimentally affected in some other

I'm going to keep my eyes open at the music stores. 
I'm off over the weekend and I'll get a chance to hit
several differnt shops there and peruse the used
section.  After listening to all of you, and picking
up a copy of The Sounding Board today which is a free
publication from Martin, I really find the used guitar
more appealing than new right now.  Kind of like my
grandfather's old Hamilton pocket watch.  Just winding
that thing is pure therapy... :)

Has anyone ever heard of the Olympian?  It's made by
Tacoma, I think.  The guy at the Guitar Center told me
it was hands down the best instrument in the price
range $199-$350.  It was very heavy, but admittedly
sounded good.  So far, I'm partial to Yamaha, and
Takimine.  I strummed a G "something or other" tonight
and it was very nice. And keep those dirty thoughts to
yourselves!  ;)

Anyway, I'm off to bed to catch up on some sleep I
lost out on last night.


--- Kylie Wilkerson <kylie_wilkerson at hotmail_com>
> So what's the status of you purchasing a guitar??

and I wrote a book!  Gah!

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