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Re: JIN-ROH and LoTR

I said:
> > ... even the most gripping or depressing or
> > philosophical film takes us away rom our own limited reality for a few
> > dozen mintes or so.  If we are reflecting on the lives of other
> > characters, whether real or imagined, are we not escaping our own,
> > personal life reflections?

Peter retorted:
>No, not really, because the whole point of reflecting on their lives is to
>reflect back on our own.

If I see I flick about a single mom who loses her house and becomes a 
homeless person, how am I to relate that to my life experience?  (Other than 
to be glad I'm not a single, homeless woman?)

In that case, I'd say the point on reflecting on such a character's plight 
would be to learn compassion for the homeless, and educate myself about 
truths that aren't widely publicized regarding homelessness.  Which would be 
fine, and not at all totally escapist.  Everybody seems to think I regard 
films as existing solely for the purpose of escapism.  I don't.

>One of the reasons I love _The Fellowship of the Ring_ so much is because,
>as corny as it might sound, I come away from that film wanting to be a
>better person.  I want to be as brave as Frodo, as wise as Gandalf, as
>loyal as Sam, as noble as Aragorn, even as contrite as Boromir (because,
>alas, I sometimes do the wrong thing, and I sometimes drive my friends
>away, and I sometimes let my doubts and fears get the best of me).

God bless you.  That's lovely.

>Say what you want, but there's a lot more to the film than escapism.

I would NEVER suggest otherwise.  I LOVE that flick!  I'd go further- 
there's more to it than a mere "movie".

But it also does functions on a purely escapist level, which in no way 
devalues it.
You should see "Arcadia of My Youth".  An anime, of course, that explores 
friendship, loyalty, and courage against overwhelming evil much like "LoTR" 

> > Really, Peter, I don't see much.
>But to overlook *that* film?  Tsk, tsk.  :)

I'm a sinner, no doubt.

purple sky slowly turning golden,


np Cowboy Junkies - Miles from Our Home

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