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Re: netiquette

My pet peeves:

1. Email as HTML attachments rather than plain text
2. Quoting unnecessary text (like entire digests)
3. Not quoting *any* text to indicate to whom one is responding
4. Not putting in carriage returns so that whole paragraphs show up as one continuous line that just keeps going on and on and on for miles and miles which makes it very difficult to read.  (See http://www.actwin.com/MediaNation/OtR/month.200201/msg00008.html for an example.)
5. Putting "Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest VN #NNNN" in the subject line
6. Not delineating quoted material with some character like ">" or "|" in the first field.

But then, I'm a crusty old fart who still fondly remembers the days before AOL
and Outlook.  What gets me is that the programmers should know better.  Why not
make the *default* setting on these mail programs conform to netiquette, and
then let people change it at their own risk?  Instead you have all these
well-meaning people who hit send and have no idea that their software is
breaking all these rules, and no idea how to change it if and when someone
points it out to them.  Sigh.

Don Smith                          Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                                http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

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