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Re: inquiry

In a message dated 3/6/2002 11:02:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Ysobelle at aol_com writes:

> Well, it's the reason I'm here.
>  OtR played the Stone Lounge in Tampa...um...six years ago?

They've played in Tampa? 
I was just in Tampa last week.
Tampa has a truly fantastic aquarium.  (Go there.)
And a nifty Busch Gardens, which is the closest I've been to a zoo in while.
I didn't see any elephants.  
I did see an enormous giraffe.  
And three dromedaries.
And a dolphin show that included a trained sea otter. 
They also have a dazzling array of tropical birds, including some startlingly 
beautiful 'lories' who, in the walk-through aviary, would come sit on your 
hand and drink nectar out of little cups.  Wonderful.
Oh, and I saw a komodo dragon, much like the one that bit Sharon Stone's 

But I digress.

> Then they told this story about a bridge in New York State and a 
> suicide prevention hotline sign at the top.

I've never heard the story.  Do tell... or was that just the snapshot-like 
impetus for the writing?  

The thing that startled me about my friend picking THAT song, I guess,  is 
that he's the most infuriatingly collected and stable individual anyone's 
ever met.  Even things that you'd figure were gut-wrenching only seem to 
leave him in a mild funk, and you'd think the earth would shatter if he were 
to admit a negative thought.  I'm half-impressed, half-baffled by this, by 
the way... it's a state of mind to which I've long aspired... but haven't had 
terrific luck emulating.   

I guess I'm rambling again.

Let's see...
> a copy of "Patience," which I put away for months and then found 
> much later 

I was caught by Patience, too... but Jacksie was the hook for me.  

Ran across OTR at the Creation Festival...  they didn't play, I don't think 
(if they did, I missed it), but I heard the music in the camp store, and then 
saw the CD and ever-so-nifty newsletters and such on their table in the 
artist's tent, and in a fit of wild spending (at that time, anyway!) bought 
their two CDs and put myself on their mailing list.  

Not even a split second of buyer's remorse.... the very first song on 
Patience got me: Jacksie was a balm that made me remember what I already knew 
and had almost forgotten in my grief.  

See, I and my ex I had both lost our maternal grandmothers in January and 
June of '93 respectively; mine very suddenly and very unexpectedly to a heart 
arrythmia, and his very slowly and painfully, to lung cancer.  My son was 
two, and it was hurtful to think that he wasn't old enough to remember them 
later... they both just simply adored him.  Both were strong, caring, 
heart-of-the-family women, and my Nana especially was the best example of 
unconditional love anyone could ever ask for... if ever there were a love 
'heaven couldn't hold' it'd have to be hers... and 'Jacksie' was so 
mystically reassuring that no, she wasn't gone, and yes, I would see her 
again, and she would still be there when I needed her.... it was just so very 
much what I needed to hear, and I hadn't even known it.   

So that's why I'm here.  

I was still too young then to get into the Tin Angel concerts.

Life got busy and for a variety of reasons, I had to wait until '98 to see 
them open for the Cowboy Junkies.

I didn't join the list 'til later, though.  
Only got the Announcements at first. 
Finally thought I'd see what that Discussion List bit was about. 
And even then I lurked for over a year before posting. 

And now here I am going to a concert in one city and a listee-thrown party in 
another, both in the same weekend.   :)

But first I must flurry through another two days of work.... 
And to do that I will need some sleep....  
So I'll shut up now and go do that.  :)

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