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Re: giraffe in my closet

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Alfred B Johnson wrote:

> I liked the zoo a lot as a kid.  Haven't been in years.

while everyone else shares their happy zoo memories, i realised, i've
been once. maybe i really didn't like it cos it was a distraction for the
fact that she was in the hospital. i brought her pictures of girraffes.

> Is suggesting that we just read books and watch videos about animals a
> little like saying that since we have a print of Picasso's work, we
> needn't see the real thing?

but is the impact lessend if  you view it in a shack or in the luovre?
dunno - what about that pre-gutenberg illustrated book? i bet it was just
as powerful out of its setting as in it.

> Domestication isn't all bad.  Ask my parents' lazy cats.  And my
> giraffe. (He lives in my closet.  I ride him to work.)  (And he uses
> his neck to protect me against intruders.)  (Though he cannot bark, or
> make any other substantial vocal sound.)  (Or can he?)  (On cold days,
> he wears his turtleneck sweater.)

i have a wonderful closet. while signing my lease, it was quite specific
about kittens. but not giraffes.  more usefull too.

got any giraffe cubs ? what is a baby giraffe called anyway?

girl scout =cookies fairy has come and left us tons of cookies.


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