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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #1204

Hi, I'm newbie Nathan, recent to the list and recently moved to Cinci.
Mind if I just jump in?

I'm like Barry, I pretty clearly remember the National Zoo from my
early childhood, and I loved the place. Certainly it's sad to see the
animals just sit, too bored to swat the flies. Love to see them all in
the wild, though some of them barely exist without "protection." But I
don't see any real comparison between reading about them and seeing
pictures, and experiencing the real thing. Granted, most people just
shuffle by the exhibits like a bored kid at an art gallery, and that's
too bad. Not many of us can stop to deeply study the animals, either.
But at least we can see the proportions, the lines, and still glimpse
the creature without seeing the plastic rock walls. Whether it's
measurable or not, I think that difference's definitely significant. 

Oh, and I doubt Linford's looking to relocate. Probably the thrill is
gone of living in Cincinnati. Maybe partly because they've reached a
plateau of growth? Guy's just being honest, anyway. The public eye
isn't often associated with the mercy seat, historically speaking.
Honesty in art begets honesty in life; there's my big philosophical
statement for the day.


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