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Someone asked a few days (a week?) ago about breadth and depth of OtR
experience, so here's my own little ditty:

Stache's, Columbus OH 1993
    I went to this show at the behest of my friend Calvin Rambler (I didn't
make this up, that's his real name - some of us are born lucky) and really I
was there to shoot pool.  We'd been making a habit of seeing bands on a
weekly basis at the time (and it had been Verve, Cell, Cranes, Pond, etc. -
seemed to be an awful lot of single-syllable-named bands then).  An aside to
whoever mentioned Cranes earlier - what an incredible show that was!)
Anyway I was taken enough with this multi-syllabic(3-word, even!)-named band
to see them again and actually pay attention the whole time, at

Stache's Columbus OH 1994
    This time I was riveted (especially by _If I'm Drowning_ - I mean,
wow!), but shortly thereafter I dropped off the face of the earth.  My
daughter Audrey was born in 1995 and I didn't see another live show (except
for John Zorn in '97 and Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra in '98, both at the
Wexner Center for the Arts (www.wexarts.org) and the multitude of background
noise bands at various ComFests '95-'00)  This was doubly sad because I'd
seen about 30 +/- shows a year until then.  Whew!  I've got a good list
there, too (My Bloody Valentine '92 still stands as my all-time favorite)

So here I am corresponding online with this really neat girl from Maryland,
and she asks me about Over the Rhine.  Ha!  How odd, and here I'd forgotten
all about them and/or still thought they were a 'local' band, occasionally
played on (Columbus public radio station) WCBE.  Apparently, they'd

Anita (hi!) and I met on the day of the Taft show
Taft Theatre, Cincinnati, OH 2001
    last year, and what a beautiful time.  Perfectly cold wintry night to
get reintroduced to OtR's warm live music again.  And of course meeting
everyone at Uno after the show was a pleasure.

Canal St. Tavern, Dayton, OH 2002
    Thanks again to Linford, Karin, Don, Megan, et. al. for showing us the
door (in the best possible sense).  Again, a completely different show from
the others, and quite something.  "Bothered" was my favorite.

So, 4, in all.  But still worth a story.

Hope everyone is well!


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