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Re: ripping CDs does cause purchases...!!!

I always agree with DJ Dan.

When I started my magical Napster journey, I was
all high and mighty and only got stuff that was
already mine - digital copies of records I'd had,
for example.  A few months later I was getting
prerelease stuff of things I knew I'd buy when
they were released.  Then I was downloading things
that it seemed like I would like.

Then it all went downhill.

I liked too much of what I downloaded, and was
burdened by the purchases of said albums.  schwoo!
I'm glad Shawn Fanning was stopped in his tracks.
His evil scheme of making Bruce broke from disco-
vering and buying all that music almost worked.

CD cases, art, etc., are all fun for me.

a world within a world,

>From: "Daniel J. Temmesfeld" <dtemm at yahoo_com>
>i normally download rare songs.  sometimes
>i'll download a lot of one artist, and then
>go out and buy the CD.  yes, it does happen.
>artists should get their money for their
>songs.  i agree with that.
>i also don't want to pay too much.
>i have a double standard sometimes, too.
>i don't believe in general pirating and copying
>someones CD that i borrowed with no intentions
>of buying the real deal.
>i borrowed Bruce's Elliott Smith _Figure 8_
>for a show that i was going to, and i'd never
>heard him before.  i burnt the CD for my own.
>i went to the show and loved it.  i've since
>bought EVERY SINGE Elliott Smith album out
>there, including the official _Figure 8_.
>same thing with SDRE... i borrowed Megan's
>SDRE _Pink EP_.  saw them in concert.  bought
>5 more SDRE CDs since then, plus a solo CD by
>their lead singer.
>there's got to be some give and take.  i'm
>definitely pro-artist, though.

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