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Re: amelie

--- franny zoe <franny_glass1 at hotmail_com> wrote:
> amelie is a joy.
> i love jeunet's stuff with caro...
Call me a dunderhead, but, until this moment, when I read
that statement, I was unaware that *Amelie* was a
Jeunet/Caro film. I bought another of their collaborations,
*City of Lost Children*, after seeing a trailer for it on
the first dvd release of *Monty Python and the Holy Grail*
and absolutely loved that film. If I'm not mistaken, I
believe the Criterion Collection is planning or has released
a bit of their work as well. But I'm probably wrong.

I'm planning to see *Amelie* Valentine's Day weekend when my
new love interest takes a break from his doctoral studies at
Princeton and comes for a visit. Now, I've got TWO good
reasons to highly anticipate the film.

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


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