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Re: From another conversation

Brother kelvin rightly said:
> > Not all "laws" in the "Law of Moses" were given for
>the same purpose.
> > Type 1 - moral laws.  all people, all times
> > Type 2 - ritualistic laws (cleanliness, etc.)
> > Type 3 - laws for national protection and

then brother pragmatic peter rationalized:

> >This is a common argument many Christians make, now
> >that we have done
> >away
> >with a bunch of laws (which arguably never applied to
> >Gentiles anyway),
> >but I wonder if anyone in ancient Israel would have
> >made this
> >distinction.

To which sister J. Marie replied:

>the israelites followed and obeyed without making the
>above distinctions, but that doesn't mean that such
>classifications didn't exist even then.  as for us, we
>attempt to follow a variety of precepts--be they
>categorized in several ways or not.  isn't it possible
>to do so without "true" need of the

Yes!!  (Praise Jesus, she's got it!)

Now, everybody, may I lovingly request that ya'all please shut up!  I take a 
break from doing math problems that are giving my 
any-hemisphere-but-the-math-one brain a headache, and read the list, only to 
get ANOTHER headache!  Yeesh!  We've treaded this treacherous and 
quasi-blasphemous ground before, ya know??  Watch your step on the slippery 
slope.  (Talk about your "Downward Spirals"!)

God help us all if religion is really a mandate for murder operating under 
the guise of "societal glue".  Of course, it isn't.  Wanna know how I know?  
Because the Bible tells me so?  'Fraid not!  Rather, if it were, this begs 
the question: "why haven't I being a devout Catholic man (with impeccable 
taste), shot Madonna yet!?!"

Just kidding, sorta,

Estranged brother Matt

np: Sunny Day Real Estate "The Rising Tide"

"If you can't conceive of better lines and better times then let silence 
bury you in the end it will be you condemned" -Midnight Oil "White Skin 
Black Heart"

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