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Re: new math

In a message dated 1/8/2002 2:22:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, soberman_69 at hotmail_com writes:

Guys, I'm not a cynic.  I'd never make the argument that popularity=
automatic sellout.  However, U2 did go through a period of self-agrandizing.
  They were singing about nothing.  They'd folded to the demands of their
critics, reducing themselves to "sluts without a mission".  They were
embracing all that was ugly and crass about popular culture.  If it was
intended as a clever satire, it must have backfired, as evidenced when the
diminishing returns kicked in.

Please don't get me wrong.  I didn't mean to lable you a cynic per se; all I meant were that there are scores of cynics whose knee-jerk reaction to an artists (sometimes sudden) financial success means they "sold out."  I've seen it on this list, and though I can't recall any examples off the top of my head, I'm definitely not referring to you in this case.  I'm sorry if that's how you interpreted it, because I absolutely didn't mean it that way.  And I don't presume to speak for Kelvin, but I'm sure he didn't mean it that way, either.  Again, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding!

