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Re: When Good Catholics Go Bad

In a message dated 1/3/02 12:42:09 PM Central Standard Time, 
b_lachey at hotmail_com writes:

<<http://www.beliefnet.com/story/76/story_7665_1.html >>

OK, I finally gave in and took the test: I'm positive this is not very 
accurate since I didn't agree with any of the options listed for a few of the 
questions (#12 comes rushing to mind) so I just selected something.


1.  Conservative Protestant (100%)  
2.  Orthodox Quaker (99%)  
3.  Eastern Orthodox (75%)  
4.  Liberal Protestant (75%)  
5.  Roman Catholic (75%)  
6.  Seventh Day Adventist (74%)  
7.  Latter-day Saint (Mormon) (65%)  
8.  Islam (50%)  
9.  Orthodox Judaism (50%)  
10.  Liberal Quaker (50%)  

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