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Re: New Years stuff

Liesel wrote:
> i went to college in wenham, mass.

You went to Gordon College?  I saw two (or was it three?) Over the Rhine shows
there.  November 1996 and again a year later.  Must have been two.  The second
one was during one of the worst snow storms I've ever seen.  The band had left
Cinci extra early to get to the show on time (the year before they had done the
drive in one long 22-hour trip), and then they had to go so slow that they
couldn't stop anywhere for the night and still barely made it on time.  Linford
told me about cresting a hill and finding that a semi had jack-knifed at the
bottom of the hill, blocking the entire road.  The combined mass of the van and
the trailer provided too much momentum to brake in time on the slippery road,
and they thought they were going to pile into the truck, but luckily they
managed to slide by on the shoulder.  Whew.  Anyway, the shows were in a
cafeteria, which had undergone some serious renovations between the times I was
there, and in fact, the second time, the student organizers had forgotten to
reserve the stage lighting (or there was some scheduling conflict), so a bunch
of students went and got lamps from their dorm rooms to put on stage.  That was
pretty funny.  Driving home was one of the eeriest experiences of my life.  The
highway was almost deserted, and in an off-ramp that led to an grotesquely
brightly lit (but absolutely empty) shopping mall parking lot was an abandoned
car, completely engulfed in a silently roaring inferno of flame.  No sign of
any people or indication of any cause, just tumultuous fire on an ice-encrusted
road.  Gave me goosebumps.

Hard to believe that was four years ago...
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

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