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Re: proofs and people

Kelvin wrote:
> So the thinking is that if God made up His own rules to the game and then
> expects us to feel grateful to Him for letting us win by those rules, this
> supposedly makes him bloodthirsty, stupid, neurotic and masochistic. 

No!  I was trying to say that by telling that particular story to that
particular crowd, this is the impression evoked by that particular speaker.  I
was not trying to make those claims about God's nature myself, nor was I trying
to say that this impression was in any way accurate.  I was only trying to
point out (through telling a story rather than making an argument, in line with
what I said back in September) that different approaches to the image of the
crucifiction will lead to different understandings of it, in contradiction to
Matt's claim that the image of the crucifiction speaks for itself beyond words.
I picked that story because it involves such drastic opposites.  I'm sorry that
I gave the wrong impression.

> I think it's incredibly arrogant of anyone to think they can even begin to
> see or understand things from God's perspective.

I agree, which is why I am always amazed by the number of people who claim to
speak on God's behalf, or especially to say that God's intent is obvious.

Yours sincerely,
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

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