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My Best 10 o' 2k1 Tree

If you have a monospaced font, this may resemble a Christmas tree.  And you 
can tell ev'rybody, [that] this is your tree.  It may be quite simple, but 
(you see) - it's free.  I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind - that 
I put down in words - how wonderful life is with trees in the world...


so, in tree order, here's my 10 from 2001:

          - Reveal
         Jude - King
        of  Yesterday
       James - Pleased
      to Meet You; Janet
    - All For You; Bjork -
    Vespertine; John Taylor
   - Techno for Two;  Robbie
   Fulks - Couples in Trouble
  Suzanne Vega -  Songs in Red
and  Gray;  Better  than  Ezra
- Closer;  New  Pornographers -

Did I miss the big reveal?,

PS  OOH!  Does anyone else's Moulin Rouge DVD not work properly??

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