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Re: OtR Tonight/New Discussion topic

--- sruss <sruss at kent_edu> wrote:
childlessness.  I 
> have chosen not to have children, and there seems to
> be quite a stigma hanging  over childless
people....particularly those who are childless by
choice.  It's  not that I don't like children...in
fact I think they're adorable and they  make me laugh,
but it seems like society frowns upon people like me
who choose  not to have them.  Words like "immature"
> "deviant" are often used to describe people like me.

hi ya--

the words immature and deviant have never come to
mind.  there are a lot of people out there who should
not have children or who have no desire to have
children and my thought is simply 'more power to you'.
 i had a professor once who decided against children
so that she and her husband could invest in their
students -- this struck me as an awesome concept.  

on the other hand however, i read an article in
newsweek this week about an organization for childless
individuals - a good enough idea, but the attitude of
the organizations seemed condescending towards
individuals with children and resentful of tax breaks
that families get because of
children/childcare/schooling/insurance. you name it
they were pissed off about it.  by the end of the
article i wanted to scream 'back off catwoman, these
people are raising the someday adults who will run
this government, pick up your garbage, serve your food
and change your bedpan at the nursing home
someday'...i myself don't know if i will ever raise a
child (which is a whole long semi-sob story for
another off list day) but i have the utmost respect
for people who do --it takes a certain selflessness,
the ability to love someone else above oneself, faith
and stamina that the childless cannot even begin to


we are falling falling falling
and i land to find i fall alone
-- m. whittar

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