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Re: OtR Tonight/New Discussion topic

--- Arthur Dent <kenlovesbrenda at msn_com> wrote:
> yeah, my wife and i get that a lot.  Not so much the
> "immature and deviant" stuff . . . we mostly get
> "Why? Don't you like kids? stuff.  i just tell them
> that to send my kid to a private university in 18
> years, my financial advisor said to start saving
> $800 a month.  that usually shuts them up.

or you put aside $25 dollars a month from birth to 18
(that's the action i got going on) and say darling i
love you but here's what you got (about 1 year of
private college or 2-3 of state school) -- knock
yourself out.  my folks didn't pay for any of my
college education (though they did pay for car
insurance & books during school), i got scholarships,
worked part-time during the year, full time most
summers and ended up with a private college education
that only cost me 8 grand in loans and built a ton of
financial character in the process...

i'm not saying children aren't expensive but the
college debate should be a non-issue.


we are falling falling falling
and i land to find i fall alone
-- m. whittar

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