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Re: Re: Format request

--- Matthew Mesina <soberman_69 at hotmail_com> wrote:
> Ysobelle resopnds:
> >Well....yes. It's practically _required_.
> Gee, I've never seen it.  I'm the freakazoid
> christian who knows more about 
> Japanese pop culture than I do about my
> own...almost.
> So, where does that leave me??

at a video store to rent it.  it's very clever and
there is nothing offensive in it.  but it's been
awhile since i've seen it.  so there very well could
have been something offensive in it, but i think it
was pg or pg-13 when it came out which means that the
worst is that maybe they use the word penis.  (okay
not really but i couldn't think of what would be 80's
pg-13 offensive)...enough.

get ye to a blockbuster and rent it.


"stories & cigarettes have ruined the lives of lesser girls"
p. yorn

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