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Re: +Live+ & OTR, those bands who push their thoughts onto others *gasp*

Matthew Messina wrote:
> Here's where I get picky.  The philosophy being
> espoused didn't agree with me on a fundamental
> level.  Yes, spirituality was being promoted, but
> in a manner I found to be disconcerting.  I
> perceived a less than subtle attempt to defame
> Christianity going on in the lyrics. 

there are many artists under the guise of something
called "christian music" that "promote spirituality"
in manner that many find to be disconcerting-
defaming everything but christianity.

different shoes, same thing going on.

> Essentially, "Selling the Drama" sounded great,
> but, upon inspecting the lyrics, I realized that I
> was being told I'm a "burnt, scarred, rape victim"
> by virtue of being christian.

my guess is that pain was Ed's (+Live+ lead singer/
songwriter) experience from christianity.  as an
artist, i'd say that he has a right to portray what
he feels about something however he feels necessary.

if he steps on toes, well, that's part of standing
up for what he believes in.

> I can't support any band who promotes their personal
> religious ideology at the expense of others. Period.

that statement seems ridiculous.

*every band/artist* who has a shred of themselves in
their work promotes their ideology at the expense of

the whole notion of "believing in my opinion, because
i think it's right" is important.  that's the basis
of opinions.  if Ed didn't believe that his opinion
about such things spiritual was right, then he would
not be writing as such.

any other person's words can be propaganda.  *OR* it
can just be thought of as another person's ideas to
think about and discern for ourselves.

Ed's not forcing you to believe his words.  he's just
trying to get you to think about them.

> Let alone a band that mixes spirituality and
> sexuality so liberally, which I think is just
> plain dangerous folly.

Over the Rhine does this.  "Period."  Bruce stated
nicely.  hell, what about any mid-to-late period

> I'm not close-minded, just open eyed.

right.  what does this sentence really mean?  you
seem to be admitting something and defending your-
self.  but it all seems contradictory... or redundant.
i can't really tell.  really.

seriously, it just seems like a sentence thrown in
there for the sake of thiings.

> Which is why I'm not trying to tell anyone who or
> what they should listen to.  My intent is strictly
> to be cautionary...

don't pick up A Perfect Circle's _Mer de Noms_,
Matthew.  it's the best rock album of 2000, but don't
buy it.  don't buy any of the Beatles stuff.  try 
to stay away from many other things that might
enrich your musical and intellectual experience.

i wish i was sucking a lemon,

np: [B]urlap to cashmere - anybody out there?

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