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Re: okay...I'll join in...

--- Kelvin Bailey <prestokelvo at yahoo_com> wrote:

> Anyway...why am I rambling...does anyone care?  I 
> just had an amazing weekend.  I discovered that most

> risks are worth taking.  (I may take more in the
> future.)

been almost a week now and i haven't felt up to
writing anything until now, basically because it's
been exam week and well, we all know how that goes i'm
sure.  but now i'm done, after spilling everything i
know about The Giver, A Wizard of Earthsea and The
Bean Trees onto pages of college-ruled notebook paper
this morning, and ready to share.

i quoted this part of kelvin's message because it's
been haunting me all week.  basically because i,
unlike him, didn't take the risk he did.  and i feel
like i missed out on something.

but before i bore you with that, big thanks to liesel
for coming over and introducing herself to me.  she's
just as charming in person as she is in her messages
(which is always a good thing).  she was kind enough
to point out some other listees and invited me over.
thanks also to lara, through whom i was able to meet
mr. hahn from oregon, which was quite cool.  so the
evening, as far as listee meeting goes, was a complete
loss.  unfortunately, i never made it to the rest of
the gang.  i could give all kinds of excuses, like i
was stuck in the middle of the row, couldn't seem to
get over there inbetween acts, etc. but the truth was,
i was a coward.  i saw bink and ysoie from afar, but
didn't come over and say hi.  sure, part of it was
wanting to catch up with my friends that i hadn't seen
in a while (and who had just had a baby), put part of
it was cowardice, that not taking a risk thing kelvin
talked about.  and for that i'm sorry.

i only say all of this as an example of what NOT to
do. looking back, i'm kicking myself for not being
brave enough to just say hi (i mean, really, how hard
is that?).  and i'm not going to write it off, as i
normally do, as part and parcel of being an introvert.
that excuse only goes so far.

so, with all that said, are there any listees going to
the little brothers show on the 20th?  my friend who
wasn't able to make the christmas show has convinced
me to go (also helps that i got the night off from
work) and i've decided this time i'm not going to go
crawling into my shell.  i know its a weeknight, but
if anyone will be there, i'd love to say hello.  and
i'll do it this time.  really.

the reviews of the show have done a good job so no
need for me to add my two bits.  i will say this -
erin mckeown was amazing.  her set was far too short. 
so glad i bought her cd (distillation). my friend
described her as spunky, which is pretty apt, i feel. 
anyone know exactly how tall she is? i swear her
guitar was bigger than her.

and now, for your discussion:  after the show, i was
talking to some friends who feel that over the rhine
has become, well, boring - similar to watching paint
dry.  this comes from people who saw them back in the
day.  having not seen them then, i can't make any
comment.  i've never found them boring - wondering if
there are people on the list who can explain this
attitude (opening the can and letting the wriggling
things inside spill all over the ground).

wanting to be more like kelvin . . .

The world is wilder in all directions, 
more dangerous and bitter, more extravagant 
and bright.  We are making hay when we 
should be making whoopee; we are raising
tomatoes when we should be raising Cain, 
or Lazarus."              Annie Dillard

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