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Re: Holy Ball Lightning, Batman (no OtR)

--- Bethany Keeley <blk4 at calvin_edu> wrote:
> If only it were so easy!  I flirt with the ones I
> don't really want to
> be flirting with, but I sort of do it subconciously
> and then I realize
> what I've done and I think "why is it so easy with
> the ones I DON"T have
> a crush on?" Gah.  Boys are trouble.

Okay, dear, let's review:
You - for whatever reason, conscious or unconscious -
flirt with fellers that you're not interested in,
basically putting out "I like you in *that* way"
signals when you in fact don't like them in *that*
way.  Then when they think "Hey, she likes me in
*that* way" you get all discombobulated because the
"wrong ones" are responding.  And then you have the
estrogen filled gall to say "Boys are trouble".

My advice, buy a good book on ligic!  And maybe one on

Just some friendly advice from the troubled gender...


Screw the whales.  
Save the subjunctive!

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