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Re: non-linear narratives (really!)

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Matthew Mesina wrote:
> faced with a few literary choices: 1. FTTB 2. Stack of comic
> books accumulated throughout the semester and 3.  Lord of the Rings-
> before the film arrives and forever destroys any chance I may have of
> reading it with my own imagination at play.  Or, I could just read "The
> Hobbit" in preparation for the flick. 
>      I ask you, my literate cyber-friends, what should I do?

The Fellowship of the Ring.  If you have a chance, read a little using
voices of how you think the characters sound.  It may give you a better
tag of what the characters are like in your own mind.  Elijah Wood's
dewey-eyed Frodo, I'm sure, will be well-done, but I see a slightly
plumper, homelier man-child as Frodo, heir to the great Bilbo
Baggins.  I've been having a lot of fun reading to Sherry the Fellowship
out loud, and I've a very clear picture of how they look and sound.)

Read: Some of those-there comics - esp if they are any of the following:
Barry Ween
Knights of the Dinner Table
Dork Tower

Then read the Dillard.  Let it not faze you.  Take it on in that thumb
wrestling match we take part in each time we read a decent novel...

-Drew J

O ^ ^     Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew, SCA )
O(_|_) Tengo gusto de comer creyones. -Elian Gonzales, 4/27/00, Goats: the  X
O Check out splat.melm.org (monkey at melm_org) -----------------  comic strip |

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