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Mixed nuts

Linford wrote:
>>We've had a couple of setbacks with Karin's mother this week, 

Eech.  Sorry to hear that!  I suppose I had assumed that no news 
was good news; I'm sorry that isn't the case.  You'll (all) be in my 
thoughts and prayers.

>>a Best Of The Lostees 
>>book, or something to that effect. A discussion list greatest hits type 
>>thing. I bet it would be fascinating, funny, weird. 

Oh, no doubt!  I liked Kelvin's suggestion about making a web page 
out of it, too, seeing as publishing in print requires so much time (*grin*) 
and a web page can be updated and altered at a whim.  

Don't get me wrong: some things belong committed to paper in ink... 
but this group needs links... and maybe some Flash animation, too.  

In addition to Kelvin's ideas, I'd love to see a page of exerpted haiku...  
an archive of Official Over-the-Rhine Linford-letters...Cheetah's Marsha 
stories would deserve a page (IMO)...and someone could pick the best and 
most detailed of the post-show reviews... Hmm... (No, I don't have time to 
do it either.  I would help if I did, though... sounds fun.)

Jeff Holland wrote:
>>So, now you can link Linford Detweiler
>>to NASCAR....

>>    Bill Elliott --is related to --> Jeff's grandmother
>>   --is related to--> Jeff --is a fan of--> Over the Rhine
>>   --is the band of--> Linford Detweiler

>>   Wasn't that fun?

Oh my word, yes.  Nearly fell off my chair laughing!  Anyone else 
here belong to www.sixdegrees.com when it was operating?  
I thought it was awfully clever.  

Rhys wrote: 
> i like guiness, but it's bitter, and thick - ic an drink only a
> little. it tastes good with cookies though (:

and Michelle added:
>aahhh... few people do not give me a disgusted look when i say how
>much i love my beer and chocolate together (and yes, cookies too). 
>way to go sistah rhys.  

Bass Ale over vanilla ice cream, anyone?  (or does that push the limit?
 : )  I haven't had it in ages, but ten years ago (when I lived in Philly, 
which may explain it?) we thought it was fab.

Kelvin wrote:
> Not just an official, mucho literary, @overtherhine.com
> post; but a bonafide "I'm a normal cat like you" post.

and burrill strong added:
>>ah, but be specific.  just what breed of cat is he?  or you, for that 

I couldn't begin to say what Linford is... but I'm a non-pedigree myself: 
mostly friendly-orange-tabby with a bit of wild-abyssinian, and just a 
splash of ornery siamese for good measure.  ;)

Ysobelle wrote:
>>Actually, my love, I'm at about 30 people so far. I expect this to be 
>>slightly fluid since we're, well, Rhinelanders. 
>>Since we'll all be guests at Drew's abode, we should raise our hands, say 
>>who'll be attending, and what we might be able to bring, 

Hand raised halfway, tentatively.  It's possible?  Likely, even, but not 
We're good examples of 'fluid' 'play-it-by-ear' types.  It will surprise you 
not a 
whit, then, that we've not a clue what we'd bring, either.  How's that for 
  Ask us at Uno's. (We WILL be there.... unless something else comes up... ;)
And finally...

Kelvin wrote:
>>Problem #2 - Some people are so against what I share
>>with them that they accuse me of being
>>pushy/patronizing/condemning...whatever, when in fact
>>they are just overly sensitive/defensive.

I agree with the Problem #!, Problem #2 summary.
I had a friend once try to win an argument by taking the position that it's
perception that matters... if person A --perceives-- person B's comment to 
be offensive, B is wrong to have made it.  

I couldn't agree less.
It's all (IMO) a matter of attitude, not content: 
If A is trying to tell B what is best for B, A is being pushy.
B shouldn't automatically assume that, though. 
If A is merely throwing out an idea or philosophy for debate, B
should be unoffended and feel free to agree or disagree in return.
If A, in return, is offended that B disagrees, A might have been being pushy
in the first place.
That said, some ideas or philosophies really ARE offensive, and here's
where we almost get into a 'community standard' debate.

That's enough for now.  :)

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