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Re: holy socks and music needs

on 11/29/01 12:46 PM, Brian Warren at bhwarren at yahoo_com wrote:

> Pedro the lion. That's flirting with "My Favorite Band" title. Over
> the Rhine and Pedro quietly but consistently battle for the title of
> My Favorite Band. David Bazan has to be one of the most honest
> Christians I've ever heard. It's disturbing really, but at the
> forefront of my consciousness. Pedro the Lion's music speaks to the
> darkest corners of your soul, and makes you say "yeah, that's kind of
> where I am, I just don't want anyone to know it".

Yup. I'd say that's fairly accurate. :)>
> If you've ever been to one of their concerts (I saw them at the
> Bluebird in denver, where I had been a few months previous for the
> OtR concert), 

Whoa... I was at both of those shows as well. I'd say it's a small world,
but it's really just kind of a small state (at least as far as people who
are fans of OtR and Pedro go).

the audience is very quiet. Almost cathartic. David
> Bazan is so intense. It's hard to just not pay attention to someone
> who is being so brutally honest.

And you have to listen really hard during the question and answer times,
too, because he never repeats a question. Just answers. So most of the time
you have no clue what he may have been asked.

Straining to hear...

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