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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V3 #1037

In a message dated 11/29/01 1:27:13 PM, Owner-Over-The-Rhine at actwin_com 

>I've heard that Karin and Linford are NASCAR fans, which is quite interesting
>to me.  What drew them into enjoying NASCAR, and what drivers do they like,
>and why?

Does this work? I've never replied to something on the discussion list 
directly (!). I'm going to try to hit reply, and see what happens. Kaboom. 
Usually when I send out a note, it goes to all the different lists via a 
series of clandestine commands. 

But here I am, diving in (as promised) to just the discussion bit. You all 
have to promise you won't e-mail me at this address though. I already get way 
more mail than I know how to answer. Wouldn't want to have to change my name 
after all that my name's been through.

NASCAR fans? You're trying to be funny, right? I don't know anything about 
NASCAR. I couldn't even tell you the name of the driver that died in the 
tragic crash earlier this year. Oh yeah, wait, maybe I can. Dale Earhart, was 
it? No that's Amelia. Dale Earnhart? Earnhardt?

The only thing I know about NASCAR is the old joke we probably all chuckled 
at at one time or another:

NASCAR: Non-Athletic-Sport-Centered-Around-Rednecks.

I'm guessing that's grossly unfair, but frankly, I wouldn't know.

Hey, you made me answer your question though. 

Maybe that's a good thing.

Let's keep going.

>>>is Karin from a mining town? she sounds like it, her music sounds like it.

Barnesville, Ohio. I lived in Fairpoint, Ohio, about 20 miles away, for my 
grades 1-4. Both towns were surrounded by coal-mining. Karin and I did not 
meet at that time.

>>>i watched the Eve (?) video the other night. i didn't know linford grew up

I didn't grow up Amish. My parents did. They both left the Amish. I have 
Amish aunts and uncles and first cousins galore though.

>>>does (or did) he feel like his doings now with music (or his journey into
music of this kind) collide with his beliefs?

What beliefs?

>>>Do you plan to be a vegetarian by 2024? 

Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Off to Texas in the morning. It took me, what, 6 years to try this. See you 
sometime in the next 6.


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