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Re: The World is a Vegetable


> fake sausage made from soy is good, and it's damn
> near the real deal.  honestly.

i agree......but.    i remember when i had  a few  Morningstar Farms
breakfast links  (sausages)  at work,   and i cooked one up for Andi.    she
wasn't very fond of it at all.   (could it have been i told her while she
was chewing that it was a Snausage,  those dog snaks?    possibly.)   i
remember there was some spitting involved.
 my theory on soy -based  meaty-equivalents is that they're only tasty if
you've had the real deal out of your palate for a rather long while  (an
unspecified time,  but at least a few or 6 months, i'd guess)   so you
recall what the stuff is  ~supposed~  to taste like,   but the actual memory
of the flavour is a little vague.    then the equivalents are close enough.
hey, that tastes like a chicken mcnugget!    hey,  even though they didn't
invent buffalo wings until after i gave up buffalo,   that probably tastes
like a buffalo wing!   i'm waiting for the day i can get a nice Morningstar
Rib.  yum!

another vegetarian weighing in,

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