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Re: Request and New Thread

in a diatribe devoted to speaking of the movie _waking life_, jeffo said:

> One tried to make the whole thing seem absurd by saying that he could have
>  gotten into that movie just by saying that gravity is actually caused by a
>  race of invisible trolls who pull everything down, and our life is nothing
>  more than a struggle to fly.

*laughing hysterically*  was the kris?  i love kris.

anyway, *my* thoughts on the movie...

i saw this with jeff, actually, and a fabulous girl named annika, and while 
the animation made me want to jab a sharp instrument in my eye, i soon got 
used to it (or ignored it in certain cases) and was able to focus on the 
words that were being said.

unlike most of you, i never had thoughtful conversations until becoming 
involved with over the rhine.  very few of my friends outside of the list are 
philosophical in any way, and they spend much more time analyzing a piece of 
music than the fundamental qualities of everyday life.  my best friend of the 
past three years HATED his philosophy class, and wouldn't even think of 
discussing anything from it.

it is a strange phenomenon that i am experiencing, however, as my being 
enrolled in an existential phenomenology class has opened my eyes to the 
world of existential philosophy around me.  i liken it to the happening of 
meeting someone for the first time...all of a sudden you notice that you pass 
them everyday while walking to class on campus, where before you didn't know 
that they existed.  it takes something opening your eyes and introducing you 
to a person (or to an idea or thought) for you to be able to notice it in 
your everyday happenings.

so it's been for me with existentialism.  i someday wish to have the screen 
play for this movie.  i would like to see it again, but more than that, i 
want to be able to read and absorb the thoughts put forth by the random 
characters in the movie.  for i am a visual learner more than an auditory 
one, and my mind cannot keep track of the wonderful extrapolations without 
being able to see it on paper.

but i am rambling now.  and i have plenty of other e-mails to read.  thanks 
for listening, if you got this far.  lol

*hugz and kisses*
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