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Re: Newcomer

--- rhys daily <shadow at teuton_org> wrote:
> hello. i am not matt.  and there's only one of me
> around... i hope you
> don't feel schizophrenic talking to otherMatt.... i
> didn't see your post.
> or any other. and lest matt makes this sound like a
> snotty closed place...
> i am not persistent. i am not controversial, 

but you're funny.  and just today i read one of your
posts and thought 'good god this woman (?) (man am i
going to get it for that) knows everything about
computers'.  i was, simply put, envious.  and you have
great signature quotes.  

i am
> not charismatic

not charismatic?  well there's only room for one
kelvin in the group (and one ysobelle and david and
barry and apparently two matts -- i'm being tangental,
forgive me).  i'd say you're charismatic, but i barely
know you, so in this case you do know YOU best.  if
someone said raise your hand if you think RHYS is
great.  i would be sitting in my cubicle with both
hands in the air (and why do they say raise your hand,
when really it's more the arm that is being raised,

> people talk to me lots. so i think they're nice.
> friendly even (:

agreed.  i like the the whole moody and delirious
group.  it makes me all weepy like just thinkin' bout

okay enough.

"stories & cigarettes have ruined the lives of lesser girls"
p. yorn

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