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RE: MN show

Dinner, you say???  You're on.  Fortunately, the Fine Line is smackdab in
the middle of Restaurant Heaven.  Cafe' Brenda is right next door, but I don
t know if you guys are into organic food.  Any suggestions?  The
possibilities are essentially limitless...  Heck, we could hit Origami for
sushi, then have dinner at the Pickled Parrot, catch the show, and hit the
Loon Cafe' after for beverages! 

<insert Jessyka's comment about how I'm obsessed with food here>

Umm...  pardon my ignorance, but why does planning your clothes for a show
become a project?  I mean, yeah, if I had a kilt that would be AWESOME, and
I think Ysoie's corset idea is hilarious, but do I now have to come up with
something artistic for these shows?  I mean, the leisure suit with lace
cravat has SO been done...  don't you think?


-------Original Message-------
From: Kristen Ulrich
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2001 3:10:06 PM
To: Chris Hahn; Bob the dancing monkey; Jeff Ostrom
Cc: over-the-rhine at actwin_com
Subject: RE: MN show
LOL. I love you guys! SO... Should we all make
meeting plans and whatnot? Perhaps a dinner or
something? Just trowing out ideas since I just
returned from vacation in Ohio yesterday and I will be
missing Taft. Let me know what you guys think. I
guess this will mean that I have to plan my clothes
ahead of time. HMMMMM... I see a project already. 
--- Chris Hahn <chris at fumblefactory_com> wrote:
> >>>>WHOOO!
> >>>"No, no, that's WOOT. With a 'T'..">
> >>>WHOOT!
> There it is.
> ::chris::
> ---------------
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