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Re: a question of meaning

Maybe this will help...maybe it won't...

--- bigLight <biglight at pacbell_net> wrote:
> I'm going to be picky and object here: b/c it's from
> Psalm 103, I 
> personally don't consider the reference to be about
> Christ, but about 
> Jehovah...

There are countless references to Christ in the
Psalms.  There are actually a boatload a prophesies
about Christ.

> It's funny: I love the beautiful stuff in that Psalm
> about God being 
> forgiving and loving and being the champion of the
> oppressed, but I have 
> a hard time getting over the way the Psalm
> practically beats you over 
> the head with its constant references to the fact
> that this only counts 
> for Jews. 

I think you're missing the point.  Sure, the writers
of the Psalms are themselves referring to Israel, but
the promises they contain aren't just for Israel.


...like a mad dog on the far side of Dante's door.

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