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Message from Shelly


Shelly asked me to send this to the list.  For those of you who are
too "young" (in terms of OtR experience) to know Shelly (perish the
thought), please go to http://www.overtherhine.com/people/contributors/
and click on "shelly".  (heck, you can click on "don", too.  ;-))

> Anyway - I've been selling loads of stuff on eBay for "Auction for America."
> Could you post something to the list on my behalf and see if I were to put up
> "special OTR stuff" whether people would be interested?  I don't know what
> all I'd sell, it's all boxed up, but if it were to go for a good amount (and
> going to a good cause) I may be convinced to part with some swag.  I bet
> those Patience postcards with the brown ribbon (of which I tied thousands)
> would be a good item, wonder if I've got more than one set.....  hmmmmm.
> If anybody wants to check out what I've got out there now, here's a link:
> http://cgi6.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewListedItems&userid=sross31&include=0&since-1&sort=2&rows=25

Please don't email me with questions or suggestions.

Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                          http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/
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