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RE: The eBay incident

Sure we can!  I know you didn't mean anything by it. I
was just in a pissy mood yesterday.  Also, I don't get
individual emails, just the digest form.  I tend only
to read some of the messages and not all of them. 
Sometimes it's days before I get to them at all. 
That's how I missed Rose's post.  And, when I got the
digest after I had sent my email it did seem I was
bragging or something.  I was even like "Yuck!  Bad
timing or what?!"  So, I've learned my lesson and have
signed up to get emails individually instead of the
digest.  Hey, if you want to keep with the program you
have to follow along, right! ;-)  ~~ Jessica
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> dearest jessica (and i mean that),
> i was just taking note that; a couple days ago, rose
> posted on the list that
> she was SO excited about this bid. (notice both her
> name on this list & her
> bidding name on eBay is the same - acidroz) then
> yesterday she posted a
> "boo-hoo" that she lost it. shortly later, you
> posted that you won it. i'm
> truly sorry for how you read my "community"
> statement. it was not meant to
> be judgemental or pious in the least. (truthfully -
> it was a bit tongue in
> cheek) will you please forgive me? can we let it go
> as another prime example
> of how email's can be misinterpreted?
> peace & veggies,
> david

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