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Re: Taft Show Potluck

On 10/13/01 10:39 AM, quoth the effervescent VOGELAP at UCMAIL_UC.EDU at 

>Well, I think we're going to be able to offer our place as the site for the
>pre-Taft Pot Luck.
>Let's figure out times, etc...

Um. Drew? Did we just discuss this?

Anyway, here's MY idea.

I think people are going to be racing to get to the show, since it's on a 
weekday evening. They'll be trying to get to town from various points, or 
even just get THROUGH town. I think pre-show might be a bit crowded. And 
we've all already bounced around the idea of hitting the Uno's after the 
show that night, anyhow.

Now, since so many people are coming from so far away, I figure a lot of 
them are going to be staying over somewhere in Ohio. Thus, they'd 
probably not be leaving until the next day. So what if, instead of a 
pre-show potluck, we have a gathering the day after, when we're all less 
frantic and more relaxed? What if we have a brunch? A nice Saturday 
morning brunch where we can schmooze, hang out, and get social before we 
all go away again? And I still say we push for Karin & Linford & Jack & 
Hazel & all to show up. I'll even try to bring one of my mother's 

How's that?

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