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Re: war...

In a message dated Wed, 10 Oct 2001  1:21:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "W. S." <thejohnnyappleseed at juno_com> writes:

> This will be a quick resolution. Those rag heads don't have the money to
> fight us. And yes we must route them out or there will be more sky
> scrapers falling to the ground.

"Those rag heads"? This is just as revolting as when Iran called us "The Great Satan."  And yes, they do have money to support the war they intend to fight-- a dirty, clandestine, guerilla war. Early estimates say it cost about $500,000 to bring down the WTC.  Compare that to how much a single Stealth  bomber costs. I'd say they got good value for their money.

>     There's nothing cool about ragging on Bush, he's an excellent
> man. We have people in our own country who go about their business posing
> as average citezens all the while they are tranfering info to the
> terrorist community.

What the hell does Statement A have to do with Statement B? And I still have no faith in Bush-- I have more faith in Colin Powell and the rest of Bush's cabinet. I don't think Bush is a very intelligent man, nor a very strong leader. But he has good advisors, and that's where the power lies, so in the end I don't think it matters.

>     One thing you have to remember, The extremists in Afghanistan and
> Saudi Arabia can't become top dog in the world again like they were in
> past generations as long as capitolism exists. As long as capitolism
> exists they can't be the epi-center of commerce like they once were. 

This also makes absolutely no sense. When did the Middle East run the world? We're all dependent on oil, and as such, perhaps they are indeed the center of the world's fuel, but if anywhere was the center of commerce, it was and is New York City. By the way, it's capitalism. With an A.

> Laden is = Hitler. Simple as that, and he won't succeed.

What on earth are you talking about? 

>     And for awhile racial profiling is ok. Based on religion and
> color, whatever, it's all we have to go on. The real terrorists are
> sneaky, so some innocent people will have to be inconvenienced.
>     Not a big price to pay for the greater good. Muslim Americans
> should feel greatful that we have the ability to investigate them, yet
> still allow them to remain in our country, that we are a sophisticated
> enough sociaty to allow them to remain here at all, when most countries
> wouldn't have the resources to do so.
> My G-d. Did you think before you spouted this racist invective? Racial profiling is okay? Do you honestly think we should round up all the Muslims in this country and put them in camps, as we did the Japanese in WWII? Do you have any idea what or whom you're talking about? Muslims are not here on our sufferance: they're American citizens. Just because there are some terrorists here who happen to be radical fundamentalist terrorists, this doesn't somehow mean that ALL Muslims are radical fundamentalist terrorists. I don't know what backwater you live in, but a great many people I work with are Muslim. Most of them are revolted that this has happened "in the name of Allah." Their religion has been usurped and corrupted vilely by a terrorist half a world away who claims to speak words they themselves would never dream of saying. Can you imagine how that feels? If some fundamentalist Christian blew up a Mosque somewhere in Indiana, claiming to be cleansing America of foreign influences in the name of Christianit
y, wouldn't you be revolted? Or does your religion teach you to hate and use violence? Every Muslim I know has said the same thing: "This is not our religion. Our religion teaches peace, love, and respect for all creatures. Bin Laden does not speak for us."

We should all feel grateful that we live in a country that allows us all religious freedom and affords us all tolerance. Your attitude is one I find to be distinctly un-American, if anything. Our enemy is not every American Muslim. It's not "a bunch of rag heads." It's Osama bin Laden and his network of terrorists. This is not an excuse to suddenly burst into the full, ugly flower of racism and xenophobia. If you want to go out and beat up a Sikh because he wears a turban, shame on you. But don't you dare do it in the name of America, because you sure as hell aren't speaking for me.

And I hope you see the irony implicit in that.
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