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Re: Don's phyics lectures

on 10/6/01 3:58 AM, Over-The-Rhine Digest at Owner-Over-The-Rhine at actwin_com

> Next week's talk is "X-ray Vision", the one after
> that is "How Stars Die", and then I close with "Why Black Holes Make Bad
> Neighbors".  I think it's going to be a lot of fun.  Now I know many people
> don't usually associate the word "fun" with "physics", but they're wrong.  :-P

Wow- that *does* sound like fun! I wih I was cloer, cuz I'd be there.
Physics  (though not math) fascinates me! I took one course in college that
was really cool, that introduced most of the concepts without too much
complicated math stuff..that's what I like, the theory of it and how it
relates to other stuff. Hell, Mindwalk in my favorite movie, and I actually
made it through *one* Fritjof Capra book ;)

Thanks for the invite!

Peace to all,
Thankful Mom to Malcolm (6) and wife to Will

"I just don't have much left to say. They've taken their toll, these latter
days."  ~Over the Rhine, Latter Days

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